Sunday, April 24, 2005

Senate Leader a Liar

Besides being a member of the American Taliban, the lunatic religious right, our Senate Majority Leader is also a pillar of lying hypocrisy. In remarks for "Justice Sunday" Frist regurgitated the Republican mantra about judicial nominees, in particular P. Owens: "even though,'" he said, " a majority of Senators support her, she has been denied an up or down vote on the floor of the Senate."

Then Frist tells a Goebbels-sized lie: that the filibuster against Bush's nominees was the first time ever that "a judicial nominee with majority support has been denied an up or down vote."

Of course this is complete hogwash and Frist knows it. If he doesn't, he may not be a liar, but then he's a fucking idiot.

At least the AP, but most likely not CNN and certainly not Fox News, pointed out that the Republicans frequently prevented votes on Clinton's court appointments through various methods, including the filibuster, and then when in the majority bottling nominations up in committee knowing the nominee would be confirmed if allowed to go to a floor vote in the Senate.

Richard Paez, a district court judge when he was nominated, waited more than four years before being confirmed to the appeals court. But of course the Republicans are honorable men defending a principle. Just like they defended the principle of solving the problems of Social Security by squanering the Clinton surplus (which if applied to the Social Security Trust Fund, would have solved all solvency problems for as long as accountants would care to calculate) b;y profligately wasting the suplus in the most gigantic transfer of money from people who need it to people who don't in the country's history. Yeah, trust these guys.

AP failed to mention that Frist voted in favor of filibustering Judge Paez. AP failed in that, but it is still crystal clear that the Majority Leader is the most obnoxious hypocrite.


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